Call or Message 0432881220 to Book an Acupuncture Session
Call or Message 0432881220 to Book an Acupuncture Session
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Oriental proverbs
Dr George Zhang from his own clinical experience since 1999 and based on his understanding & experiences from both Conventional and Oriental Medicinal prespectives
Highlight: What are chronic conditions?
In Oriental Medicine, body, mind, cognition, emotion and spirituality are seen as indiscrete entities, since Eastern philosophies of Buddhism, Taoism and traditional Chinese medicine adopt a holistic conceptualization of an individual and his or her environment. In the treatments, the practitioners adopted body-mind-spirit integrated model of intervention to promote the health of the clients. In this view, health is perceived as a harmonious equilibrium that exists between the interplay of 'yin' and 'yang': the five internal elements (metal, wood, water, fire and earth), the six environmental conditions (dry, wet, hot, cold, wind and flame), other external sources of harm (physical injury, insect bites, poison, overeat and overwork), and the seven emotions (joy, sorrow, anger, worry, panic, anxiety and fear). Research results on the body-mind-spirit groups for many chronic conditions, such as depression, anxiety, infertility, and cancer, have shown very positive intervention outcomes. Significant improvements in the physical health, mental health, sense of control and social support of the patients can be seen.
Dr ZHANG is fluent in English and Mandarin.
★By appointment 😊
Herbal Consultation
Area of interests
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Others manual TCM modalities
Area of interests